Case Management

On the left, click the Case Management navigation button to open the Case Management pages.

Cases Find instructions for using the Case Management grid and toolbar for assigning cases to another user, copying a case to a different folder, deleting a case, exporting a case, importing a case, moving a case to a different folder, opening a case and searching for a case.

Folders Find instructions for using the Folder Management grid and toolbar for adding a new folder, deleting a folder and its cases, deleting a folder and moving the cases, editing folder properties, sharing the folder with other users, and opening a folder.

Shared Cases Find instructions for opening, changing and saving a shared case, copying a case to a different folder and exporting a case from the Shared Cases page.

Home Office (Home Office Users Only) Find instructions for opening, changing and saving a Home Office case, copying a case to a different folder, and exporting a case from the Home Office page.

Edit Templates Find instructions for editing and deleting user-defined illustration templates. For Home Office users with Publish access, find instructions for publishing and deleting carrier-defined templates.